Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Foods You Should Stay Away From When You Are Pregnant

Sometimes you may think that you would feel better during your pregnancy if only you had the right information. Finding the information that is right for you can start right here with the practical and easy to use tips of Foods You Should Stay Away From When You Are Pregnant in this article. This advice can help you to enjoy every minute.

Foods You Should Stay Away From When You Are Pregnant

Foods You Should Stay Away From When You Are Pregnant

Don't be afraid to contact your doctor if you suffer any unusual symptoms during your pregnancy. These symptoms include stomach pain, cramping, vaginal bleeding, and especially a decreased level of fetal activity. It's difficult to tell if everything is okay from the outside, and you're better off asking your physician to check if something seems strange.

Try to avoid hot tubs and saunas while you're pregnant. Becoming overheated can place the baby in danger, so expectant mothers must make an effort to avoid such situations. Additionally, many spas offer massages that use oils that can cause early contractions. Clary sage, rosemary and juniper are three that should be avoided.

Learn the signs of labor so that you will know when it is time to call the doctor and start heading to the hospital. We have all heard the stories of women giving birth in the car on the way. The earlier you can respond to labor starting, the more time you give yourself to get to where you need to go.

Do not hesitate to inform your obstetrician or midwife if you experience depression during pregnancy. There are antidepressants that are considered safe for pregnant and nursing mothers, and in many cases, the benefits of taking them outweigh the risks of letting your depression go untreated. You do not have to suffer, and you are doing a great thing for both your baby and yourself by speaking up and getting help.

Stop taking any birth control the very minute you find out that you are pregnant. If it has failed to prevent your pregnancy, you do not want to continue it while you are pregnant. It has many negative health effects on the baby and the sooner you stop, the better the chances that the baby will be fine.

Help reduce morning sickness by munching on slices of cucumber. Keep cucumber slices in water in your fridge and try snacking on them throughout the day. No one is sure why it works, but for a good percentage of women it has a calming effect on their morning sickness symptoms.

Signing up early for your childbirth class can prevent the disappointment of not getting the dates and times that you want. While the birth of your baby may seem a long way away, it is never too early to find the classes you want and make your reservation with the providers.

As you can see, finding the information you need is not as hard as you thought. Now that you have the advantage of the great tips in the article above, you are ready to relax and enjoy this special time as your baby grows. You're ready to feel your very best.